Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Less then a week to go . . .

Nathan has now been in Germany for almost 3 wks! He is currently living in the barracks. His room looks like an old office from the 70's turned into a bedroom by putting a bed in it. Very cold and dull, poor guy.
Me and the girls are very anxious to join him. It will be an interesting transition moving the week of Christmas. On top of that, we move into our apt. until Wed. the 23rd the day that the grocery store on base is closed. Can you believe that, every Wednesday the grocery store is closed?! And then the next day is Christmas Eve. It looks like frozen lasagna for dinner that night. But at least we'll all be together.
We will keep you posted on our move and all the different places visit! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!


  1. I just got your Christmas card and love the picture. What a beautiful family!! This blog is a great idea to keep everyone up to date. I am so thrilled you all get to be together for the holidays. Let the adventure begin!!

  2. Oh, this is Jessica Colby (Canova) by the way. We have a blog as well so look for the invite. I'll send it your way.
